Bachelor's Degree courses ( Laurea Triennale)

Political Science (Class L-36)

The new Bachelor in Political Science is designed as a comprehensive course, multi-disciplinary and comparative, to provide students with a solid basic knowledge that integrates different scientific and methodological approaches and enables them to progressively move toward multiple employment and/or postgraduate training outlets.

After the first year of common subjects, it is possible to choose from one of four curricula:

  • Curriculum in Communication and Media
  • Curriculum in Sociology
  • Curriculum in International Studies
  • Curriculum in Political Studies

Bachelor in Political Science study plan

For more information visit the Political Science website


Social Work (Class L-39)

It offers training in line with the interdisciplinary tradition of the ‘Cesare Alfieri’ School of Political Sciences. Added to this is a specialization of skills oriented toward knowledge of social phenomena and professional intervention in integrated social and healthcare systems.

Bachelor in Social works study plan

visit the Social Work website

Entry knowledge test

Students who wish to enrol in one of the Bachelor's degrees in the School of Political Sciences have to take the entrance test or entry knowledge test


See also

  • Programmes activated by the School of Political Science for the Academic Year 2023/24
  • All programmes at UNIFI

Last update



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