Master's Degree courses ( Laurea magistrale)

Social Intervention Design and Management (Class LM-87)

The master’s degree program in Social Intervention Design and Management trains professionals in social policy and social service management. The multi-disciplinary approach typical of all degree programmes at “Cesare Alfieri” is accompanied and complemented by a range of experiences and professionalizing subjects that enrich the knowledge of the operating conditions of the various organizations involved today in preventing and coping with individual situations of distress. Graduates of the course will be called upon to plan and organize a social intervention. During the two years of the course, they will have to deepen the knowledge acquired in their undergraduate degree to be able, in their future work context, to identify and orient themselves among emerging social problems, models of welfare and service policies of reference, related organizational dynamics, and the social and political characteristics of local contexts, also from a comparative perspective.

Study plan (for students starting on a.y. 2023/24)

Visit the website

Politics, Institutions and Markets (Class LM-62)

The Master’s Degree in Politics, Institutions and the Market (PIM) aims to provide students with the knowledge and methodologies essential for understanding and interpreting collective decision-making processes, the functioning of public and private institutions, and the interaction between politics and the market. The study path is based on a joint, multi-disciplinary core of subjects to be covered in the first year, from which it will be possible to opt among several alternatives, and on a three-curricula articulation in the second year.

  • Institutions and Politics offers political science training,
  • Institutions and Markets proposes economic-quantitative subjects offering

Study plan (for students starting on a.y. 2023/24)

Visit the Politics, Institutions and Markets website

International Relations and European Studies (can also be taken entirely in English) interclass LM-52 and LM-90 course

Interclass course:

  • Class LM-52 International Relations
  • Class LM-90 European Studies

The two educational paths have marked multi- and, to some extent, inter-disciplinary connotations, in line with the tradition that has marked the internationalist curricula of the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Sciences. This approach to the training program aims to provide students with the acquisition of approaches and knowledge that will enable them to develop a holistic view of political, social, and economic phenomena characteristic of the international scenario. In this perspective, an agreement with the Gdansk University of Technology (Master’s degree in Economic Analysis, specialization in Global Studies) has come into effect and provides a degree program that allows for a Double Degree.


Study plan (for students starting on a.y. 2023/24)

Visit the RISE website

Public and Political Communication Strategies (Class LM-59)

The digital society is undoubtedly the main revolution of recent decades. It has completely changed the organizational and communicative processes of companies, public bodies, institutions, parties, associations, and individuals. Everyone must strategically define their identity for the first time, articulating their presence through the many existing communication channels (from traditional ones to profiles on various social networks). This Master’s Degree aims to provide students with focused professional training to face this umpteenth communication challenge through a multi-disciplinary curricular framework, useful for acquiring the different skills needed to manage the ever-changing communication environment: from economics to politics, history and sociology. The course’s main objective is to provide knowledge of the methods and logic governing communication processes. More specifically, the degree course delves into political and institutional communication.


Study plan (for students starting on a.y. 2023/24)

Visit the SCPP website

Sociology and Global Challenges (Class LM-88)

The dynamics of globalization delineate a phase that challenges the social and institutional factors on which the forms of national societies were developed in the 20th century and thus require new professional specifications of the figure of the sociologist. The training offered by the course branches out on 3 levels. The first is Tools, a group of subjects delivering knowledge of the most relevant theoretical paradigms on social phenomena, as well as research design strategies and data construction, detection and analysis techniques. The second consists of subjects from different academic fields (Challenges). Each subject contextualizes two dimensions of social change processes.

On the one hand, the emergence of unprecedented change scenarios (think of major social, economic, climatic, political and demographic changes); on the other hand, the tools needed to understand them. The third consists of subjects (Insights) characterized by a research focus, covered in multi-module courses to provide students with training in the interdisciplinary perspective. This training is complemented by internships, workshops, presentations and scientific writing activities.


Study plan (for students starting on a.y. 2023/24)

Visit the SOSGLO website

What to know to enrol for Master Degree program


See also

  • Programmes activated by the School of Political Science for the Academic Year 2023/24
  • All programmes at UNIFI

Last update



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