Teaching activities

The Academic Year is divided into first and second term:


A.A. 2024/25

I Term:  September 16th - December 6th, 20234 

Closure dates on  November 1th and December 8th, 25th and 26th,  2024

II Term: February 24th -  May 23rd,  2025

Easter holidays from April 21st to 27th,  2025

Closure dates May 1st and 2nd,  2025


Download the lessons calendar 2024/25


Class timetable

The timetable for the academic year is available at Agenda Web


Class locations

All courses are held at the Novoli Campus - Via delle Pandette, Firenze -

Buildings D4, D5 and D6

See map


More updated information can be found at Unifi - Together, safely


Last update



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